Thursday, April 4, 2019

Where did DPFdelete originate? The rollin smoke kids?

By Larry "Gene" Mohney

Wrong! It originated in the rural areas by farmers who bought the new trucks for their farms. It didn't take long for the farmers to load it up and take it out into the fields to either unload feed, bales or equipment, then leave it running so it would be warm when they hopped back in the truck!

Guess what? The truck went into regen for the DPF while idling and in field grass it caught on fire!!!

Yep burned it to the ground with all of their feed or equipment in it. Now most farms/farmers buy 1-10 trucks at a time so you can imagine how the local dealer felt when he demanded he take all of them back and give him his old trucks back!

I know many rural dealers and or shops who secretly handle these requests in order to
KEEP selling their trucks!

Once local workers and rural users of diesels found out about the benefits of deleting the DPFs then the trend took shape and before you know it everyone was wanting it done!

Many companies formed and literally made millions of dollars offering the kits/programmers to do so for the truck market.

Then what is seen on social media/youtube (rollin coal) started up the bad image of diesel trucks, smoking the girl on the side of the road or the Prius at the stop light. As you can imagine this is not going to turn out good!

The kids doing it was less than 5% of all of the diesel users but that is what the public saw to draw the attention.

I constantly asked the big 3 OEMs to make their diesel trucks powerful, add efficient turbos and injectors, etc in order to comply to demand what people want including a cleaner burn.

Still not up to the standards of European diesels but they are better and many I know do nothing to their new trucks because of the warranty and service. The reason we are not up to par with Europe is the quality of the fuel! Studies have been done to show up to 30% less additives and chemicals are in the US version of diesel fuel so it will burn more efficient and clean.

As always Americans adapt to the environment and innovate in order to adapt to best fit their conditions or vehicles. Today's standards of fuel injection and electronic ignition is because of what was innovated in the 50/60s in order to run faster and more power in certain vehicles.

Americans have been raised to be individuals and change the rules if they don't fit what you are trying to get done in your life - adapt and improvise! Hmmm sounds like a good movie for automotive minded people!

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