Friday, November 6, 2020

Reechout Marketing - KISS - DIESEL Motorsports Rural America . . .

 When I ask for materials to present to people at our rural events many of the companies just send us the regular catalogs or brochures their departments produce. This is great because anything is better than receiving nothing.

But . . . if you REALLY want to be effective - Keep It Simple Stupid - KISS! Yes it works every time at shows, benefits, benefits, and more benefits for using your products/service! 


Something that relates to their vehicle and why they should consider the product or services - all explained in less than 5 seconds! I know that sometimes it is impossible but it should at least get them interested before they read on for more information.

Remember that demographic getting in to our sport (18-35) comes from an electronic age. They quickly read in small bits and gather information quickly online. If they want more info then they will read further, but first you need to capture them.

Attention spans become shorter and shorter being trained in schools for quick electronic response times. This should reflect in your efforts to get your message out to people. I know the research and engineer people want the info to be out there and correct.

However, that can be covered after you capture their attention. Think of your materials like a web site with quick outline of benefits and use of your products/services.

Reechout to your potencial customers quickly and effectively . . .

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