Monday, January 11, 2016

Who's making money off the sport of diesel performance?

If you say DIESEL Motorsports you would be incorrect, we give the sponsor's money back to the competitors as purses, the funds from the shows pays the overhead of business operation including over $14,000 a year for insurance. 

Hopefully the brick and motor diesel shops are making some money in order to stay in business and make a living for their families. The diesel shops are the core of keeping our sport alive and kicking since they work on the diesel trucks. More important is they buy our sponsor's products to sell to you!

Our sponsors help keep the sport alive because they do make money off of the parts and products sold to our enthusiasts. But we all know how hard it is to be a manufacturer in the United States while being bombarded by replica products from the Asian countries. The sponsors in turn give monies back to the sport in the way of marketing and advertising dollars.

Problem is if they don't sell their products then they quit supporting the sport. It's all about business so it's up to us to support those who support the sport!

So the bigger people in the industry who are doing well should be supporting our sport by not only buying our sponsors products but giving some of that back to the events or state groups.

It's all a circle of business that keeps the sport alive and increasing in popularity. Nobody begrudges anybody for making a living of providing services or products for our sport, we all have to survive and make a living.

But ask yourselves who is supporting the sport the most - or not at all???

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